Learning Social Preferences in Games
This paper presents a machine-learning approach to modeling human behavior in one-shot games. It provides a framework for representing and reasoning about the social factors that affect people’s play. The model predicts how a human player is likely to react to different actions of another player, and these predictions are used to determine the best possible strategy for that player. Data collection and evaluation of the model were performed on a negotiation game in which humans played against each other and against computer models playing various strategies. A computer player trained on human data outplayed Nash equilibrium and Nash bargaining computer players as well as humans. It also generalized to play people and game situations it had
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The effectiveness of educational games based on social-emotional learning on self-regulation, responsibility and emotional knowledge in preschool children
Background and Aim: Social-emotional growth and development in the preschool period plays an important role in academic and non-academic skills in the preschool period and other periods. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of educational games based on social-emotional learning on self-regulation, responsibility and emotional knowledge in preschool children...
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This study explored the relationships between identity, science learning, and gaming. A survey of 1502 teenagers assessed gaming preferences, habits, science learning, science and gamer identities. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that enjoyment of problem-solving games and identifying as a gamer were the strongest predictors for teens’ science understanding. Teen preferences for games...
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Styles and strategies are among the fundamental issues to be investigated in the language classroom in order to monitor learning process of language learners and to increase their awareness levels. Research on learner style and strategies suggests that a certain degree of awareness on these issues helps both learners and teachers distinguish between the weak and strong aspects of the learning p...
متن کاملThe power of conventions: A theory of social preferences
People often act as if they care about others’ welfare as well as their own (i.e. have “social preferences”). One plausible assumption is that people have preferences for social implications of their actions, determined by exogenous “conventions”, in addition to the material consequences of actions. I construct games with conventions using the psychological games framework developed in Geanakop...
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